Sunday 11 April 2010

Sunday Stampers - Silver (Hammers?)

Good job Hels was only joking when she mentioned hammers as her theme this Sunday - but I do have silver!

I made this little card for my sister in law Lynne who I went to Ally Pally with yesterday using some of my new stash - well one - a Paperartsy stamp from the Hot Picks 1 plate.

The base card is an "elegant rectangle" in silver from Craftwork Cards, which I bought at a previous show and not used before (!) which I stamped with a fine script stamp (A Stamp in the Hand) that I've had for ages and LOVE!

I stamped the paperartsy flower (?) on the silver back of some TSS metal and puffed up some of the areas but didn't fill it so it will probably flatten in the post - I stuck it to a piece of card using the tape sandwich method and cut through some of the petals to allow it to be curled a little.  I painted a white prima flower silver with viva precious metal paint and used a heart shaped brad for the centre.

It's on it's way to Lynne with some grungepaper butterflies I've stamped for her as she loved the little butterfly (Wendy V) that Linda was demo'ing yesterday. I also made a spare flower for my niece who also came, so she doesn't feel left out (OK, Rach?!!) I haven't got any brooch pins but if you find some you can turn them into brooches, because the one on the card is stuck on with 3d foam and should if you're careful, peel off....

Sorry the light of the scanner has reflected on the silver metal, hope you can see - this really is a gorgeous stamp plate - check out Paperartsy if you haven't seen this set before, there are some cracking images on it (I spent ages mounting my new buys on EZ mount last night, a job I hate - and ran out with one stamp left to mount up!!)

I had a really late start this morning - I didn't wake up till 9 - mainly because at 3 in the morning a car alarm went off outside in the street seemingly caused by a girl kicking a car to raise some attention and the resulting argument went on some time, so I had a very disturbed night.

I am off to my Mum's for a couple of days tomorrow so will probably be late getting my desk posted this week, but see you then!  In the meantime I want to play with some more of ny new stash!


  1. Snap I used the same stamp as you for the Sunday Stamper challenge. Great minds eh, or is it great taste LOL. Take a look, I'm very new to the blog scene. Tracy x

  2. Great take on the challenge, just love those stamps, haven't got any yet, boo hoo. Love it.

  3. They do look great stamps :)

  4. Fab job Helen ... and good to hear SIL will be getting butterflies too :0)

  5. Love those flowers out of silver metal, very elegant! Card turned out great Helen, have fun at your Mum's!

  6. Gorgeous card Helen...great to see you on Saturday hun...thanks for joining in with the challenge x

  7. I have that A Stamp in the Hand text too - use it and use it and use it. Gotta be in my top ten. Have fun with your Mum!

  8. What an original piece. I just love it!


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