Saturday 24 April 2010

SDC #5 - It's a Girl Thing

The latest Stampotique challenge is "it's a girl thing"and you have to do girlie girl things!  Now, I am a bit old for girlie girl stuff, but I had to have a go.  Although it isn't essential for this challenge, I have decided to use a Stampotique image.

You will not BELIEVE how long I spent looking for the right papers to use but in the end I've used some patterned papers I got from QVC years ago (!) - I am sure they cried when I cut them - and a Timmy H stamp (the flourish) that arrived today... ahem.... which I stamped in Spun Sugar distress ink on the edge of the card round the girl. I did some matting and layering with the papers, added some sheer ribbon and a couple of Prima flowers that I got from my sister in law Lynne's online store All Things Crafty, (although mine were a swap for a sheet of stamped grungepaper Wendy V butterflies); and which match the pinky theme quite nicely. I used a couple of pearls for the flower centres, cos a girl's gotta have bling!
Go check out the other entries, there are some crackers!


  1. LOVE this card and that you've used polka dots!! Can't get much girl-ier than polka dots!! Colors are great! Thank you for joining us at Stampotique!

  2. Worht all the tears and the time - quite a challenge from a company who's girls are not exactly girly! You did a great card and personally feel you're never to old to be girly.

  3. Oh wow Helen love that image.
    Gorgeous card.
    Christine x

  4. I always end up spending ages Helen looking for just the right papers, why have we never got the ones we want to hand LOL. Great minds think alike with the pink eh! Tracy Evans x x

  5. Well, sometimes you just have to look for a while! lol Looks fabby, the paper cried, I love it, that is sooooo funny! Love the bling in the flowers, what girl doesn't like pearls??

  6. This is a cracker of a card Helen! ;o) xx

  7. Pretty card! Thanks for playing with us at Stampotique


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