Saturday 3 April 2010

Notes on a Postcard

Hels has been co-ordinating the UK end of the yahoo group Gingersnap Art Exchange to celebrate it's first birthday, theme was Party and this is another of the postcards I made for my entry. The exchange closed a short while ago and the cards are being swapped so someone will get this soon!

I posted the first one a while ago, this is the purple one - I used the same basic theme for all 4, just in different colours and with variations on the Wendy flowers - details of how I did it are on the first post.

I didn't have any dusty concord reinker so used a combination of red and blue reinkers/perfect pearl mixers for the metal.

They've just announced a new exchange - so why not join the yahoo group and check it out!  There are details on their website.


  1. Gorgeous postcard. I am lusting after that flower, in fact, it is on my shopping list for Ally Pally. Haven't been able to get it before because I am on a strict stash diet :(

  2. Kay - strict stash diet, ROFL. Too funny. I need to go on that diet, but probably not happening anytime soon.
    Any who, your card is the most beautiful shade of purples! Love the masking, and very clever of you to mix the red and blue!
    Wait, that should say shades of purple, oh my, too much choccy!

  3. This is gorgeous, love the colours. xx

  4. Fun fun fun party card! Love your use of metal too. So sweet of Hels to head this up!

  5. Gorgeous! Seen it in the flesh and it is even lovelier x


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