Saturday 10 April 2010


I decided to make a few ATC's to take to Ally Pally today - not for the general swap they usually host, but for Linda -to wish her luck with her demo'ing for Lin -and then thought I'd do one for Lin herself, so she didn't feel left out!  and for Hels - for hosting the UK end of the recent Gingersnap Art Exchange.  Obviously I'm having to schedule this as I'll be out (spending money...!!) and I don't want the girls to see them before I give them to them on Saturday.

I did all three with the same stamp - Tim's atc sized "urban tattoo" which has a small sized version of that scrummy heart at it's centre - but in different colourways. I know Lin is a green kind of girl but have taken a chance for Linda, whom I'll be meeting for the first time on Saturday - and Hels, so I hope they like them!!

Anyhow, enough waffling and rambling, here are the ATC's

Linda's is stamped in walnut stain and the heart I stamped on a separate scrap in wild honey and attached it to the main ATC.  Well, I had to do a Timmy stamp for Linda, didn't I!!

I filled the heart with glossy accents and covered it with some fine glitter, then stamped a couple of Wendy flowers (well, ditto Wendy stamps....!!) which I coloured with wild honey and pine needles, I overstamped the green flower with the Wendy numbers background for a bit of added interest.  I made a small hole in both flowers and pinned them together with a co-ordinating brad before glossy accenting them to the ATC's.

To finish it off, I stamped "art" - Wendy obviously - on another scrap and wrote "make" at the top in gel pen as I don't (yet....?? have the stamp set that does say make art, in true Wendy style)

So, that was Linda's. 

This is Lin's  - same method, different colours - tumbled - bundled (I told you I keep wanting to call it wrong!) sage and the cut out heart is tumbled (!) glass. Same colours for the flowers as on Linda's but reversed.

And Hels.  Tumbled glass and chipped sapphire here, the second flower is ???? I've forgotten.  pine needles I think, sorry!

Anyhow, I hope they all like them.

Thanks for your inspiration, girls., and no doubt I will have bankrupted myself on Lin's stand, so she'll be happy!!!


  1. They are great hope they like them :)

  2. Great idea!
    Have a fantastic time. I'll get there one day soon.

  3. Oooh love those stamps.
    Have a lovely time!
    Lesley x

  4. These are lovely, Helen. I just got back, but though I looked I didn't see you anywhere :( Mind you, it was even more packed than usual I think!

  5. Like it ... I loved it ... just perfect and such a lovely thought ... Thank you so much ... it was great to meet you X

  6. Wow, just lovely ATC's Helen! I'm sure they'll be pleased as punch to receive these!

  7. How cool are you to do such a great bunch of things righ ton the edge of going! Hope you had a great day.


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