Sunday 28 March 2010

Songbirds on Sunday

Hels has another fab challenge this week on Sunday Stampers - Birds.  Quite by chance, a couple of weeks ago I bought a fab set of Prima stamps called Songbird from the Stamp Attic and hadn't used them yet.  So the challenge was made for me, I reckon!!

I think the flash has reacted a bit with the white background, sorry! 

I took a square scalloped card mat from Craftwork Cards and distressed it with brushed corduroy DI and spritzed it with a gold pearl/tea dye reinker mix and then stamped on the music score from the same sheet.  I wish I could read music, I could have sung it to you!!

I went out into the garden and cut a small twig and stuck it to the card and stamped the bird on a scrap and coloured it before sticking it to the twig.  I found an alphabet set to make up the word songbird and spritzed that too before sticking it behind the twig.

I suspect the twig may not stay on the card very long, so I haven't mounted it up on a full card, and I couldn't have done this with the scanner so it's as well I got the camera sorted!

Happy Sunday, and here's hoping Liverpool do better this week than they did last week - so much for the lucky tshirt!


  1. Fab card Helen...thanks for joining in ...BTW, try lucky knickers instead of lucky everytime for me .. *when I watch footy of course, what else did you think I meant ROFL*

  2. Great piece, Helen! Love that scalloped paper, :) Very creative use of a twig, too! Love it!

  3. Love the idea of the twig... looks great and a fab piece too. Yep, the tshirt has deffo worked this week :)

  4. Beautiful! Love your creative use of the twig on your project, it is just perfect.
    Thank you for posting on my blog during the Zutter Zisters Blog Hop. :)

  5. Wonderful work Helen, I love what you did.....

  6. Hi Helen

    Bloggers on go slow this afternoon and I can only see one of your piccies, but that's the lovely one at the top with music and a bird.

    B x

  7. He's really singing his birdsong with the music... beautiful artwork :D
    Chris xx

  8. Fabulous piece! Great use of the twig!


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