Tuesday 16 March 2010

Inspired by Wendy Vecchi - book 2

Over on the "Everything Wendy Vecchi" yahoo group I am a member of, we have a challenge going to create a piece of art inspired by one of the pictures in the new - amazingly brilliant - Wendy book 2.

Here is my interpretation (and I know you won't all have seen the original, which may be a good thing!)

Wendy calls this one, "All dressed up" and it uses images from the new set "it's face art" and some from the previous series.  I didn't have all the same stamps so have adapted where necessary, and for the bling, I didn't have any of the Prima swirly bling that Wendy used, so have had to make my own, shorter copy!

I have been making this all evening (after dinner, luckily, or I'd be starving!) it took a bit longer than I thought - mainly due to having to rummage around to find elements to use.... well, some of you in the WOYWW (see link on right) have seen the state of my living room cum craft room.. so I'm sure that won't surprise you!!

I am now going to have a well earned cup of tea and then it's time for bed!


  1. Gorgeous art Helen...love it loads :O))

  2. It's lovely Helen, I have this stamp too she has such a pretty face. I love her hat, it suits her.

  3. It is lovely. I also have this set and LOVE that face! You've done Wendy proud!

  4. This is a great take on the challenge.

  5. Great piece Helen! A true piece of Wendy ART! Love it!

  6. I love this make. The imagery and the wonderful grungy colours. Just fab.


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