Friday 19 March 2010

digi camera software sorted - look what I can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have managed to contact Nikon and obtain links - and install - the software for my camera AND it seems to work AND here are some images I've transferred to the computer.  OH YES.  I may even be able to join in next week's WOYWW properly -inside my drawers and all!!  (Mind you at one stage I did think I'd killed the computer, as the screen went grey and when I moved the mouse all I got was a series of streaks, that moved with the mouse....  However, that old IT cop out - turn it off and back on again - worked!!)

This is a wooden box I bought many months ago and decorated with TSS metal, papers, timmy masks, etc and finally I can show you, cos obviously it wouldn't fit in the scanner!! It now stores my TSS tools on the floor (sorry, on my workdesk!)

Will be back later with some art.  Oh, I'm so chuffed with myself - I really don't know what I'm doing with the technical stuff on computers at all.


  1. Woo hoo! Way to go Helen! Isnt' it grand when something works like it's supposed to? Good for you! You're gonna be a picture fiend from now on! You go girl!

  2. Good for you hun...tis much easier with a digi camera...I am on my second one though...cos I use it every day it has got worn out LOL Loving this pot...tis fab x


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