Sunday 14 March 2010

Bits and Pieces - Sunday Stampers


Hels has another great theme this week on her Sunday Stampers challenge - Bits and Pieces, inspired by the Dave Clark 5 song. 

Quite by chance I had started this tag last night whilst watching Casualty (not that there's any correlation) but hadn't been sure how to "finish" it.  When I checked out the challenge this mornng, I was spurred into action.

I've used my new fave ink, Wild Honey and an old fave Dusty Concord, and yummy Wendy Vecchi stamps throughout.

I splashed some water on the tag, stamped the leaves in the same two colours.  I stamped the heart and "believe" on some watercolour paper and added them to the tag. I used crackle accents over the "believe" scrap.

The paper flower is Prima, it was already yellow but I added a bit of wild honey ink to tie in with my colour scheme, added an idealogy bit and Craftnotions rainbow drop to the middle, and also on the heart, with a bit of bling too!

I cut some yellow ribbon (hmmm, that's a whole other theme!!) which I also over coloured with wild honey,and stamped the leaf stamp in dusty concord on the ribbon too, although it doesn't show up very well.

So, I think that's quite a few "bits and pieces".  I am off to link it (cos I've finally learnt too, thanks to Linda's lesson a while ago!) I've linked it in case I'm not the last person out there who can do it!

I may be back, as I have a couple of other tags that are work in progress!!


  1. Gorgeous tag. Love those colours and stamps.

  2. A beautiful tag in beautiful colours!!


  3. Wow those colours look fab together, great combination! Love the tag.

  4. LOve the colours you used on this

  5. Fab tag Helen...thanks for joining in with the challenge hun x

  6. Wowza! I LOVE this tag! The colors and use of stamping is AWESOME! Great job!

  7. Gorgeous tag! I love how you blended the colors!


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