Saturday 5 December 2009

Tag 5 of Christmas

Ok, so having caught up with day 1, I have now had a go at today's.  I didn't have all the necessary items so improvised - the white happy holidays I originally tried on acetate - but the pack wasn't marked and it wasn't embossable so it melted, lol! instead I used white stazon and white powder to emboss straight on the tag.

The wire I have isn;t heavy enough gauge so it's moving all over the place!  When I was looking for my black embossing powder for the day 1 tag, I came across some tapestry powder, so they have a bit of the texture the pine branches require - even had a brown and green, yay!!


  1. Love your conifer branch and the baubles! Know how you feel as I had to rescue mine a couple of times along the way!!! LOL

  2. Great tags, love the colours in them


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