Thursday 3 December 2009

Red White and Green

This week's Play Date Cafe Challenge is to use Red, White and Green - and as I am still striving to make all my cards before I go back to work on Monday, here's one for the list! 
I've used perfect pearls (pearl)  to create a snow shower over the tag.


  1. Ooo, everyone's super speedy on here today. That snowman looks all snug and warm and happy; and I love those pine trees :) Hadn't seen them before and Tim used them today in his tag!

    Great to have you playing along in the play date cafe :)

  2. Gorgeous card hun...and what fine taste in stamps you have LOL x

  3. Gotta love that Stichels stamp!

    Really sweet entry...good luck on getting your cards all done!

    Glad you came by the Cafe once again!

  4. turned out great... love the snow shower... good luck on getting your cards finished.

  5. Such a sweet snowman! Glad you could play with us at The Cafe' this week!

  6. Super cute.. :)Thanks for playing with us at The Cafe.. :) HUGS

  7. I was lucky enough to be the recipient of this card.... luverly jubberly


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