Saturday 21 November 2009

Awww - another award!

This one is from Kay - thanks, Kay. I have a really bad cold at the moment so this was nice to find. 

I have to answer a whole heap of questions with one word answers - yikes.

1. Where is your cell phone?  handbag
2. Your hair?  highlighted
3. Your mother ? missing dad
4. Your father?  missed
5. Your favorite food? steak
6. Your dream last night?: none
7. Your favorite drink? g&t
8. Your dream/goal? happiness
9. What room are you in? lounge
10. Your hobby? crafting
11. Your fear? illness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? healthy
13. Where were you last night? bed
14. Something that you aren't? rich!
15. Muffins?  cherry
16. Wish list item? more room
17. Where did you grow up? Norbury (SW London)
18. Last thing you did? sneezed
19. What are you wearing? joggers
20. Your TV? on
21. Your Pets? none
22. Friends?  few
23. Your life? boring
24. Your mood?  sorry for myself
25. Missing Someone?  sister
26. Vehicle?  bus
27. Something you’re not wearing? watch
28. Your favorite store? craft (any!)
29. Your favorite colour?  red
30. When was the last time you laughed?  last night
31. Last time you cried?  not sure
32. Your best friend? Claire
33. One place that I go to over and over? work
34. Facebook? sometimes
35. Favorite place to eat?  home

Now I have to pass this on to 5 people so I can find out lots about them too! I choose Linda; Lori; Julie; Brenda; and Jacqui

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